16 December 2008
Configure web applications in JBoss
When you deploy a web application in a JavaEE application server, it usually consist of a .war archive.
Sometimes, the web application needs some configuration parameters. The most common way to do this is to have <context-param> in web.xml. That is simple and works fine except that the web.xml file needs to be inside the .war archive. This makes it inconvenient to change a configuration parameter since you have to repack the .
8 December 2008
Packages you might want to remove from Ubuntu 8.04 (hardy) desktop
When you install Ubuntu 8.04 (hardy) desktop, you get a lot of packages installed by default. Most users will never use many of these packages, so you end up with a lot of unnecessary packages. Most of these packages are harmless and only waste disk space when not used.
However, some packages can actually affect the system in a negative way, such as draining resources (other then disk space), and you should consider removing them if you not actively use them.